Saturday, 29 September 2018

Sector Imperialis: Summary

With the main pieces completed, I can breathe a little sigh of relief and reflect on the success of the project, because I'm super happy with the outcome. But here's how you can get similar results.

None of the little tips and tricks here to add detail on these terrain pieces are new.

A good number are stolen from the excellent He's awesome. Especially his Dino Gas station ( which is honestly inspiring and encouraged me not to be so lazy when making my terrain pieces - his pieces look so lived in.

I went on a basing course with the excellent Mamikon Khachikyan aka NokiStudio ( and gained some great insight into thinking about themes, colour choices, contrast and texture. I've tried to pull some of those learnings through.

Magazine clutter is TV listings from a local newspaper. Glued on the back and folded over, then flattened.  This gave me a slightly wrinkled texture because I used PVA, which worked really well.. Then cut up into tiny magazine-sized pieces, put in different coloured paints, taken out and left to dry.

Rich did 5x5mm, but I've made mine rectangular for the most part, but no specific shape, so there's a little more visual variety when placed at random angles. It's glued down, then weathered to dampen the colours.

These were from a, now, long-lost, PDF someone made available on AmmoBunker many moons ago. I printed out a number of these onto photo paper and kept them in a drawer. They've been weathered in the same way as everything else - so crumpled up, covered in translucent paint, then stuck down to things.

I never pay attention to ceilings, or the inside of terrain generally. But since Noki's course, I will be doing more detailing. First step here is giving the feel that it isn't an arid environment, by adding effects to convey moisture being present. The mould in the ceilings is a mix of ground down clump foliage and fine flock from Woodland Scenics.

Experimentation with a few different medium as the transport method to place and secure it yielded a winner ... cheap glue from Hobbycraft. It's sticky enough to hold the flock in place, but thin enough to push around where I want it to go. If the mould needs to creep a little further, then matt medium is surprisingly good in combination.

Video Screens
Every working screen is painted differently, and they're all a homage to the Amiga. Only one is on display in this set of scenery, but there are more coming! This is entirely the fault of Tetrisdroid ( who started painting up retro computer screens on his, and it just fired my brain! Ridiculous, frankly, and a detail that will go overlooked everywhere ... but I love it.

Hope you enjoyed the pieces, and I look forward to sharing more in the future.