Monday, 30 November 2015

Guild Ball Fishermen: Greyscales

Not as much painting over the last week, but did manage to get a few games of Rum & Bones (still love it) and my first run through with Rise of the Kage (it's a grower).

However, still made it in time for the end of the month with Greyscales.

Bit of a basing nightmare when I accidentally snapped the pin in his foot, so had to throw him on a last minute replacement. So yes, the base still needs a little tidying.

Played around with trying to do better skintones, and my first play with the Tamiya Clear Red on the blade - need more practice on both, but we're getting there.

As an aside, funny that this chap's got an armour rating of 0 in the game. Even if I'd done the rope on the cloak as actual rope and not a chainmail effect, he'd still be carrying significant protection with that and the shoulder plate, yet he gets no bonus in game! Go figure.

Next week should see the Golem progress, but a brief pause now as tonight sees an evening out to enjoy the melodic stylings of Slayer & Anthrax.

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Infernal Golem and Greyscales

Progress made on the Golem this week ...

Shading on everything and a little highlighting on the copper now. One thing I've done differently is think about where the light could catch once head and hands are on, so shoulder plates and chest have had more highlighting than other areas. The difference isn't enormous, but I can see it and it feels right. Next up is tidying some of the messiness of my painting then the verdigris, then I can work out how the rest of it fits together.

The body alone measures 120mm and I haven't fitted the head yet, but think it'll put him about 130-140mm when done. Comparison body shot versus an old Terminator for scale ...

Here's a shot of Siren (again) but with the back on display as well ...

With hindsight, I'm tempted to go back around the edges of these base inserts and paint them black as the unevenness of them poking out is irking me. I've also made a little progress on Greyscales for my Guild Ball Fishermen's team so he's now the proud owner of eyes ...

This month's goal is to wrap the big fella and Greyscales, and there's a week left for both. No pressure, right?

Monday, 9 November 2015

Guild Ball, Infernal Golem and bases

I've finally decided Siren's finished.

But ... am I happy with it? No. I realised if it isn't at least painted up and on the table, it could be an eternity before it makes it there. Face still bugging me, and after looking back - the browns are far too similar and run into each other. Upside? Hair better than it was, and after taking advice I went back to a light brown then worked up - sadly it's a little too far into white for blonde now and gone full Rogue (movie version) but that's alright - chalk it up to happy accident.

Sash around the waist was a pleasant success for my first attempt at wet blending in quite some time. However, she'll still look ace on the table ... so on to the next one!

Well, almost. My attempt to procrastinate finishing off the rest of my Guild Ball Fishermen has been going well. This is a figure picked up at Salute this year and it practically fell onto the painting table. It's a brute of a piece and a manufacturer I wasn't aware of before the show. Behold the Infernal Golem.

All cleaned up, and boy there's a lot of pieces here. Needs to think about what to do with all this now, some dry fitting and planning required.

To pass the time, I've finished up a set of the CMON bases from a Kickstarter - love these!

They'll sit patiently on the side to be used when adding more civilians to the earlier Colony 87 set. Nice to get them wrapped while I remembered the colour choices from the last time.