Sunday, 22 November 2015

Infernal Golem and Greyscales

Progress made on the Golem this week ...

Shading on everything and a little highlighting on the copper now. One thing I've done differently is think about where the light could catch once head and hands are on, so shoulder plates and chest have had more highlighting than other areas. The difference isn't enormous, but I can see it and it feels right. Next up is tidying some of the messiness of my painting then the verdigris, then I can work out how the rest of it fits together.

The body alone measures 120mm and I haven't fitted the head yet, but think it'll put him about 130-140mm when done. Comparison body shot versus an old Terminator for scale ...

Here's a shot of Siren (again) but with the back on display as well ...

With hindsight, I'm tempted to go back around the edges of these base inserts and paint them black as the unevenness of them poking out is irking me. I've also made a little progress on Greyscales for my Guild Ball Fishermen's team so he's now the proud owner of eyes ...

This month's goal is to wrap the big fella and Greyscales, and there's a week left for both. No pressure, right?