Preparation work all done so they're primed and based with the CMON bases, and choices were adjusted with to allow better positioning of the feet. It's possible to cut out some of the basedetail to anchor them in place as it's only resin, but I wanted to try and find a natural position for them - and did! Very pleasing.
Each figure has been pinned through both feet, as I wanted to keep them well anchored - they're heavy and I wasn't confident superglue alone would retain them. Only minor damage to two feet and once painted you won't know who it happened to. Promise.

To recap on the excellent Colony 87 figures. They essentially come in two pairs: Pash Grolin and Kay Dee, then Lord-Governor Manduc Greiss and Lady Greiss & Creaster. Then one not-pair of Barcoon Krobosh and Wandering Alexei. At the time of writing, I've only seen painted versions of Lady (link) & Lord (link), Pash (link) and Barcoon (link). No love for Kay or Alexei yet so ... work has started on Kay and Pash to rectify this. Think I may give Pash a metal walking stick instead of a wooden one and just having the carry cases on Kay as silver feels a little boring - but getting an idea of what they look like now.
But then with a little burst of enthusiasm, suddenly I have them finished ...
I've tried to use the red jackets with white piping to tie them together, but then dampen the colour choices on Kay to represent him working for Pash. Conversely, Pash as a the man of trade deserved something a little more flamboyant, so I've used yellow for his robes - this is a lot bolder and brighter than the dirtier yellow on my Genestealers and both of them are clean and well presented. The only things in poor condition are the trading boxes being carried by Kay.
And a shot of the bases to show the detail a little better, albeit a wee bit blurry. Terracotta base, mix of terracotta and orange over that, shaded in to the alien lettering then some detail picked out in orange - and we're done!
Can't remember the last time I sat down to start painting a figure and a) felt compelled to try and get it finished in its entirely and b) had the time to achieve this. Very pleased with myself. *purrs quietly*