Friday 22 January 2021


Little bonus model I picked up as part of a Kickstarter a couple of years ago. Based to fit with my sci-fi spaceport plan, and good fun to paint.


The sculpt is remarkably detailed, and I'm pleased I could get anything close to the original artwork. Best image I could find of the Somewhere In Time art this stemmed from.

Eddie 2.png

Tuesday 12 January 2021


I had a lot of fun with the colours here. It all started mixing from primaries as I wasn't sure how to paint it initially.

Friday 8 January 2021


Okay so it's meant to be a definitely not Death Guard model, but I wanted to paint him in shiny purple armour, without using metallics. Bringing that 80s retro feel to the colours.

The sculpt is slightly frustrating, as there's lots of detail but just not quite as well executed as other sculptors. The face is hard to define nicely so I opted for giving the whole eye socket a greenish glow.

Wednesday 6 January 2021


 Another addition to my Chaos Warband. I like the half-skeletal pirate with axes aesthetic he brings.

Monday 4 January 2021

Painting Checks

20 minute how-to for painting check patterns. I've picked an old goblin from the Avatar of War range to demonstrate it works reasonably well on a very small area. Plus I really need to start painting this guy ...

Prime the figure white.

I want to do a black and white effect on the sword and hat, so I'm going to start with a nearly black basecoat - mine's black with a little brown and purple added. It may seem wrong, but it's easier to tidy up my messy painting at the end using black instead of lots of white over black.

Stripes next. Using an off-white, I've painted these a little thicker for visibility than I would if pushing for a higher quality model. But hopefully you can see I've taken time to draw reasonably neat lines.

This is also the point where you can check your paint consistency. You want less water in the mix than you may think. It needs to be controllable, without running away from you - but not so thick you see marks in the paint. Practice your control.

I don't paint a full checkerboard pattern, because then you're left filling in tiny, unequal spaces. Bear with me again here!

Think of the stripes as creating rows. Let's create our first square. Top left corner of row one. To do this you should paint downward strokes from the top of the first row to the bottom of the first row. Don't try painting sideways, just turn your miniature round!

Now repeat the process across the whole row. Move to the second row and paint in the spaces you left behind. This gives you a clean edge on each square as you move down the rows.

Final touch of pure white along what will be the upper edge, just to add an edge highlight. It won't be very noticable, but it'll help.

It's a little scruffy and I need to tidy up. So now this is where the almost-black mix from the beginning comes back in. Same process again, but on black squares this time. As the final touch, add a line of pure black along the upper edge of each black square.


And that's it. You're done. Now I just need to complete the rest of the model ...

Detective Sayu

Cute character from Golem Miniatures that I picked up at Salute a few years ago. Wanted to play with lighting and the idea he's moving from an unlit area to somewhere better illuminated.



Saturday 2 January 2021


A great sculpt from Banshee that I've had for a couple of years and wanted to paint, but wasn't sure how to approach until now.