Monday, 20 July 2020

The Summoning

This was a fun experiment. A friend supports Titan Forge's Patreon and printed the djinn for me. I was going to paint it as a standalone model, when my daughter suggested it should have something else there - so I added a figure from the Hasslefree range to help the narrative.

To tie them together, I've used the same colour on the fabrics and jewellery, and the pink glow from the summoning stone runs through the floor, underside of the djinn and the summoner's eyes. Tricky to photograph and I think lacking a "golden angle" so that's something for me to work on in future projects.

Other areas to improve on - adding texture to fabric. Missed opportunity here. But having multiple light sources balanced against ambient light was an interesting test. Some good areas, some not so good. But heading in the right direction.