Sunday, 12 June 2016

Captain Rosso

Quiet painting fortnight due to life getting in to the way, but I've finished up another of the pirate crew - Captain Rosso from Freebooter Miniatures.

The official paint job for this guy is ridiculously detailed (a blue iris at this scale? Oh come on!) but I've only used their colours as a general guide to ensure I didn't miss detail. Two things I haven't tried before are present here: use of Vallejo Smoke Ink for shading in places - I bought some years ago on recommendation and forgot about it, and trying Ben Komets' loaded brush technique on the trousers to get a wet blend going. One of these was reasonably successful, the other will quite a lot more practice to master as a way to introducing blending rather than layering to my skill set.

I feel it's a more detailed and characterful sculpt than the Black Scorpion ones, but feel confident the consistency of colour choices across my little warband will make them feel like they belong together. So the bandanna pattern is the same as a crewman's trousers, and the leather coat is painted the same as the cabin boy and navigator.

Only one more to go in the warband now, so we're nearly there.