Friday 5 January 2018

Warploque: Bayourk Witchdokta

Happy Friday!

I should start by saying I love Warploque Alex's approach to building a brand new world, how he runs Kickstarters, and interacts with the community in general. But I haven't backed any of the projects or bought any of the figures in the Arcworlde because it was complicated by one huge point - I don't actually like most of his sculpts.

Everything's quite craggy, not the big clean surfaces I'm used to, and prefer - they have a rustic quality that didn't appeal to me. But, when he released the Bayourk models, the Witchdokta was a mandatory purchase as it's perfect for this approach - so I picked this up at Salute 2016 and then ... completely forgot about it.

So he had a few minor major changes in the last day and while he's painted in roughly similar leather colours to how my Shadespire Orruks are coming together, there's been a lot of change to the skin.

The mushrooms were the starting point and allowed me to think on how to convey the magical properties of this witch doctor.  Then I watched a video on adding iridescence ( which pushed me to do a little more on the skin. Mine is a rougher take, but I like how it turned out - would be nice to try this on a larger, smoother surface to see what happens.

For me the sculpt lacked a focal point, as everything's craggy and runs in to the other pieces, and his left hand didn't have anything in there, so I added a bead with some OSL and swirly lines as an orb of power. Job done.

Still working on the photography, but a lot happier with this after some experimentation in the last few days.