Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Colony 87: Conclusion

So that's it - the whole set of figures painted during January. Phew.

Personal highlights would be the Recordist, Junker and Botanist - but generally I'm happy with how everything turned out. Here's all 12 characters from the two projects to highlight the wonderful variety in the sculpts.

That's 12 characters and 3 pets over the past 18 months, and they're so rich in character it was a real pleasure spending time on them. As a side project for this year, I'd love to work out a diorama to feature all of them - but so many other things to finish before that thinking starts!

If you like the look of these figures, I'd recommend following the project creator on Kickstarter as there was talk of a third wave later this year. He's delivered both projects on time, with zero delays and no drama - and I can't speak highly enough of how well the projects were managed.